With a 1.5% increase in short-term interest rates in a three month period, the mortgage refinancing party is effectively over. Yet, total household debt (including mortgage loans) increased by $266 billion in the first quarter 2022. Balances, now at $15.84…
Banks Prepare for Economic Downturn
Coral Gables, Florida, June 22, 2022: BauerFinancial, Inc., the nation’s premier Bank and Credit Union rating firm, reports that net income at our nation’s banks dropped over 22% from a year ago. This, as banks find the need to bulk…
All New Credit Union Data Now Available
The Federal Reserve boosted short-term interest rates by three-quarters of a percent on Wednesday. That completes the removal of the 1.5% easing of credit (March 2020) intended to “stimulate” the economy during the Covid-19 shutdown. The target Fed Funds rate…
Can Consumer Loans Withstand Rate Rises?
We had hoped to have credit union data and star-ratings available this week, but the NCUA made so many changes to the reporting this quarter, the data didn’t come out until Tuesday (June 7th). So while our analysts comb over…
Quietly Slipping Under the Radar
Many routines were disrupted the last couple of years (to say the least). But as we begin to pull our lives back to some semblance of normal, it is a little surprising to see that some things (seemingly) never skipped…