New Bank and Credit Union Star Ratings

September 15, 2015: BAUERFINANCIAL, Inc., the nation’s bank rating firm, just released New Star-ratings based on recently available June 30, 2015 financial data. The ratings are FREE to the public at While you’re there, click on the “Tell Me More” button (next to the bank or credit union name) and you’ll find a wealth of other information on the institution, FREE as well.

Almost every state in the nation showed year-over year improvement in the number of recommended banks (i.e. rated 5-Stars or 4-Stars) headquartered there. Idaho has now joined Alaska and New Hampshire in the 100% recommended club.

Puerto Rico no longer has any of its banks on Bauer’s Recommended Report, but it has none on Bauer’s Troubled and Problematic Report either. All five banks headquartered on the island are rated either 3½- Stars or 3-Stars.

There are only four banks headquartered in the District of Columbia: one 5-Star, one 4-Star and two 3½- Stars. That gives DC 50% on the Recommended side and none on the Problematic side. However, Maryland and Virginia have 4.6% and 4.3%, respectively.

South Carolina and Georgia both continue to improve, each passing 50% representation on the Recommended Report, but each still has more than 15% on the Troubled and Problematic Report. In fact, at 17.3%, Georgia has the highest percentage of its banks rated 2-Stars or below, followed by South Carolina at 15.9%. Arizona rounds out the bottom three with 15.0%. The national average is 3.8%.

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BAUERFINANCIAL has been providing the public with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions regarding their banking relationships since 1983. BAUERFINANCIAL is the source that bankers and consumers trust when making important banking decisions. Let’s face it, when it comes to money, all decisions are important.