Welcome Back! As Jumbo Rate News enters its 40th year in publication, we thought it would be a good time to look back to how we got here. Let’s set the stage: The year was 1983; Ronald Reagan was President;…
Naughty or Nice? You Decide.
Almost half of all bank service fee income earned by the nation’s banks during the first three quarters of 2022 was charged by three of the largest (pie chart). That makes a good headline, but that doesn’t begin to tell…
Happy Holidays… New Credit Union Star-Ratings
Jerome Powell may be the grinch trying to steal Christmas this year with the help of the Fed’s Open Market Committee. They raised borrowing costs another ½ point this week, making those credit card bills just a little more difficult…
When it Comes to PPP Loans, Not All is Forgiven
It was April 3, 2020, over two and a half years ago, that the first round of Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) loans began rolling out. By September 30th of that year, U.S. banks had issued more than 4.5 million PPP…
All New Bank Star-Ratings This Week
Welcome Back. While you were out enjoying feasts and football, our staff was pouring over third quarter bank data from the FDIC. Successfully, we might add. All new bank star-ratings can be found both in JRN and at bauerfinancial.com. The…
When it Comes to Investments, Timing is Everything
Almost all U.S. banks hold some amount of securities on their books at any given time. But how they report the value of those securities can make a big difference on the bank’s book equity capital… but not necessarily on…
Because We Can Not Live on Cranberries Alone
We wish we could feast on cranberries alone. That was the only item in the American Farm Bureau Federation®’s (AFBF) Annual Cost of Thanksgiving Dinner Survey that actual decreased in price this year. (Last year it was the cubed stuffing…
Mortgage Rates Break 7%, 1st Time in 2 Decades
U.S. banks reported that total loans and leases 30-89 days past due at June 30th were up 25% from a year earlier. And, as we reported last week, a sizable portion of that increase was attributed to credit cards and…
Control Your Debt Before It Controls You
As we watch with contentment as CD rates continue to rise, we know there is also an unmistakable down-side to the Federal Reserve’s persistent rate increases. If it hasn’t already, it will soon be making its debut in a wallet…
Commercial Loans Spooking Some Banks
What could be more scary than high prices and even higher borrowing costs? Another 75 basis point increase in the Fed Funds rate on Wednesday, November 2nd. That’s what. After having borrowing costs near zero for two years, the Federal…