- Make sure that your bank and/or credit union is strong; and
- Ensure that your CDs are earning as much as possible.
Keeping both these resolutions won’t cost you a penny and is as easy as visiting www.bauerfinancial.com.
Based on BAUERFINANCIAL’s independent analysis, over 70% of the nation’s federally-insured banks and credit unions are currently earning recommended ratings (5-Stars or 4-Stars). While the numbers vary by state, fewer than 10% nationwide are “Troubled or Problematic” (rated 2-Stars or below).
Some states were hit particularly hard by the “Great Recession” and have not turned the corner quite as quickly. This makes checking your banking relationships even more important. (You know who you are.) Even so, there is a large pool of recommended institutions from which to choose. And it’s simple!
Just click on “Bank Star Ratings” or “Credit Union Star Ratings” at bauerfinancial.com, select your state and choose from the abundance of recommended institutions. (All institutions rated by BauerFinancial are federally insured.)
While you’re on the site, click on “CD Rates”, then select “Consumer CD Rates”. You will see some of the best consumer CD rates in the country. You can choose to open a CD with any of the banks listed there, or use the page as a negotiating tool to get a better rate locally.