U.S. Banks & Credit Unions Prepare for the Worst

BauerFinancial Media Release

Coral Gables, Florida, September, 2020: BAUERFINANCIAL, Inc., the nation’s premier Bank and Credit Union rating firm, has newly released star-ratings available for all federally-insured U.S. banks and credit unions. After spending the better part of the last decade beefing up, U.S. financial institutions started off 2020 in the best financial condition that we had seen in decades.

Substantial capital cushions in our financial institutions proved invaluable as the economy faced a rapid decline in economic conditions that stressed many industries to the brink. Our nation’s banks and credit unions, while preparing for a possible onslaught of bad loans, still remain well-positioned to help meet the financial and credit needs of their customers/members and their communities.

It’s true that our Nation’s financial institutions are less profitable today than they were a year ago, but that’s because they are preparing, and provisioning, for significant increases in delinquencies and charge-offs. The underlying strength of the industry remains solid. The employment situation over the next several months will ultimately determine if current provisions are enough or if more will be needed. Those financial institutions with a proven history of safe lending will find themselves in a better position to help as future needs arise.

Bauer’s latest star-ratings, based on June 30, 2020 financial data, on all federally-insured banks and credit unions are now available—free of charge—at bauerfinancial.com. These ratings are assigned on a scale of zero to five-stars with five-stars being the strongest and reflect the overall financial strength of the institution. All institutions rated 5-Stars or 4-Stars are recommended by Bauer. Bauer has successfully steered consumers through four decades of turbulence—including two recessions, a savings and loan crisis, and a housing bubble burst—and we’ll navigate you safely through this as well. You take care of your health, turn to Bauer for the health of your financial institution(s).

To find out the rating of your bank or credit union, simply visit bauerfinancial.com. Look up as many ratings as you like. It really is Free. While you’re there, check out our CD rate pages to get the best CD rates in the country and read all about the current status of the banking industry, all from the comfort and safety of your home.

It’s Simple. It’s Smart. And it’s Free on our website: bauerfinancial.com.

BAUERFINANCIAL: providing the public with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions regarding their banking relationships since 1983.

BAUERFINANCIAL, Inc. is the nation’s leading independent bank and credit union rating firm, since 1983.



Members of the press may request a free spreadsheet of all the bank and/or credit union star ratings in their state, along with financial highlights, by emailing research@bauerfinancial.com.